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Spreading Joy on the Waves With Gnome Surf

Christopher Antao, Founder and CEO of Gnome Surf, catches a wave with one of their Athletes

We can all use more positivity in our lives. In a world full of highs and lows and where happiness ebbs and flows—yes, just like the ocean—there are people like Christopher Antao. Chris used his own childhood experiences as inspiration to found Gnome Surf, a non-profit surf therapy organization that serves everyone from children with special needs to families, people with PTSD and many more. Gnome Surf helps people of all walks of life, providing unforgettable experiences at every ability level. And it’s not just surfing—art therapy, yoga and “Happy Camp” are all part of the offerings that put smiles on faces. 

Matouk is honored to support Gnome Surf, having signed up as their first Presenting Sponsor several years ago. We’re excited to be part of their mission, providing beach swag for their volunteers and participants as well as overall financial support. If you’re interested in contributing to Gnome Surf, visit their site to learn more about the many ways you can help. 

Below, hear directly from Chris about the exceptional spirit behind Gnome Surf, the unique therapies they offer and their many plans for the future. 

Gnome Surf Athletes celebrating together

First things first… Tell us a bit about the founding of Gnome Surf. For those who don’t know, how did it come to be? And tell us a bit about the wonderful name, as well.

Gnome Surf Therapy was born from a deeply personal journey of overcoming childhood trauma and navigating the often-challenging waters of growing up with undiagnosed ADHD. As a child, I grappled with fitting in and building friendships, often feeling adrift in a world that didn't quite understand me. Yet I found an unwavering source of solace and joy: the ocean. Surfing became my sanctuary, and through it I discovered happiness, built confidence and ultimately transformed my life. 

I founded Gnome Surf Therapy to share the life-changing magic of surfing with children of all abilities. Our organization is dedicated to creating a community where every individual, regardless of their background or challenges, can come as they are and be celebrated for who they are. As for the name "Gnome," it symbolizes the whimsical, inclusive, and nurturing spirit of our community. Just as gnomes are known for fostering harmony in folklore, Gnome Surf Therapy aims to protect and nurture the emotional well-being of our Athletes, creating a family they can call their own.

Talk a bit more about your own experience with surfing, the ocean and the great outdoors. Why do you think it’s so helpful to folks?

Riding the waves of life has been nothing short of transformative for me. The ocean teaches us that while we cannot control the currents, we can learn to ride them with grace and resilience. This profound lesson extends beyond the water, reminding us to maintain a balanced perspective—never getting too high with triumphs nor too low with setbacks.

One of the most beautiful lessons surfing imparts is the importance of perseverance. It's not about how many times we fall, but about our unwavering determination to get back up again. Surfing also instills a sense of humility and joy. It encourages us to not take ourselves too seriously and to cherish the simple, profound beauty of nature. There is something uniquely magical about surfing—the feeling of the Earth's constant energy flowing through you as you ride a wave. For me, being in nature and surfing are essential components of true wellness. These activities help me re-center and refocus, increasing my happiness and self-confidence. They serve as powerful reminders that self-love is essential, and that sharing this love with others is a true gift. 

Who are some of the people who can benefit from these therapies? Kids are the main focus of the work, but who are some other people it might be able to help?

While children are at the heart of our mission at Gnome Surf, the benefits of surf therapy extend far beyond to touch diverse groups of people.

For veterans and active military personnel, surf therapy provides a unique avenue for managing PTSD, anxiety and depression. And for individuals who have experienced trauma in their lives, whether emotional, physical or psychological, surf therapy can be a powerful tool for healing.

Surfing can also be empowering for individuals with disabilities as well as those with mental health challenges like anxiety, depression or ADHD. The sensation of riding a wave can boost self-esteem, enhance physical coordination and reduce stress. It’s also a much-needed respite for the family and caregivers of those with special needs or mental health challenges.

Additionally, it’s a lifeline for at-risk youth, offering them a positive, healthy outlet for their energy and emotions. Surfing is also a great option for anyone in recent recovery. It provides the thrill of surfing and replaces negative self-harming activities with positive fulfilling ones. And of course, it’s beneficial for any type of person, adult or child, who’s looking to improve their overall well-being. The physical activity, connection with nature and meditative qualities of surfing can enhance health, boost mood and promote a balanced lifestyle. 

You offer a lot of different programs, from individual surf therapy to “Happy Camp.” Tell us about Happy Camp, and the types of therapies involved. 

Happy Camp is a surf therapy wellness event that is family-centric and focuses on providing our families with a community in which they feel supported and welcomed as they are. There are components of many different therapies within surf therapy, and although it is not recognized as an official form of therapy by the insurance companies, it has been proven to be just as effective. There are many components of cognitive therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy within each surf therapy session, and when combining that with the therapeutic nature of the ocean, you see major benefits and positive changes.

There’s also this concept of S.A.L.T., “Surfing as Life Therapy.” What’s that about, and how does it help the kids in the program?

This is the philosophy which we use when approaching surfing. While other typical surf schools focus on the sport of surfing, we focus on teaching our youth to use surfing as a form of social emotional wellness: We equip them with the tools and skills necessary to use surfing to be well. We build connection and bonds with our Athletes, and with repetitive sessions alongside our instructors, they truly build a bond and know they have an ally and confidant. They learn that some of life’s greatest joys are found just beyond the limits of our comfort zones.

You also incorporate yoga and art therapy in your programs. How do these therapies work in tandem?  

Like surfing, yoga and art bring out a sense of creativity and connection to oneself. Yoga helps build upon the flow state created in surfing and art reinforces the self expression that is needed in surfing. And just like surfing, with art, there is no wrong or right way to do it; it is self expression and individual style.

Matouk is proud to contribute to Gnome Surf. How can other people volunteer or donate? What’s most helpful to your mission?

At Gnome Surf Therapy, we believe in the transformative power of the ocean to foster inclusion, acceptance, kindness and love for all. This vision, however, would remain a distant dream without the unwavering support of Matouk. The financial support and mentorship provided by Matouk are not just contributions; they are lifelines that enable us to create the magic that defines Gnome Surf. I am profoundly grateful to not only consider Matouk a partner but also to call George and Mindy dear friends. Their support goes beyond philanthropy; it embodies a deep, heartfelt commitment to making the world a better place for our Athletes. 

We are the fastest growing surf therapy organization in the history of the sector, and as with all nonprofits, financial support is needed to meet the ever-growing needs of the Athletes with autism, Down Syndrome, ADHD, depression and anxiety that come to Gnome seeking support. In addition to financial assistance, we need volunteers to help make our programs even more magical. We want to provide our Athletes with a VIP experience where they feel like they are part of the coolest new crew, and it's our community of volunteers that enables that to happen. Everyone’s support is the wind beneath our wings, the strength in our surf and the heart of our community. 

Finally, what does the future hold for Gnome Surf? What types of things do you have planned, and are there any programs you’d really love to offer going forward?

At Gnome Surf Therapy, our mission is to change the narrative in today’s society, shifting the focus to a strength-based perspective that celebrates what our Athletes can do, rather than what they lack. We are excited about the innovative and groundbreaking programs we have in the pipeline. One of our most recently implemented initiatives is Surf Fit, a program that partners with progressive school systems to incorporate our land-based social-emotional surf fitness class into their curriculum. 

Another thrilling expansion on our horizon is our Little Legends Surf Therapy events, which aim to bring the magic of surf therapy to communities across the United States. By traveling to various locations where we are invited by local organizations and families, we will be able to offer life-altering surf therapy experiences to children and families who might not otherwise have access to such opportunities. 

Additionally, we are passionate about growing our presence internationally, where essential services like occupational therapy, physical therapy and cognitive therapy are often scarce or nonexistent. We have already begun this mission in Costa Rica and look forward to expanding our efforts to other communities in need. 

We have found that our families tend to isolate themselves because they tend to feel they are inconveniencing their friends or family, so we’re also looking to build a physical camp locally in which families can travel to us during our season, stay a few nights and partake in surf therapy, eco-therapy, art and other action sports while providing them with a community of other families with similar situations.  

Some of the Gnome Surf team beachside

Visit to contribute, buy gear and learn more about this incredible organization.